Forty Days

At the beginning and at the end of my story with leukemia is my liver, oddly enough. It was way-off liver enzymes (and excruciating pain) that were the first real indication that something was very wrong. My stay at Duke was prolonged by four or five days because my liver, once again, was acting up. […]

Is There Life After Cancer?

When I came home from my forty-day stay in the hospital last October, Tess commandeered my laptop and began to write. The Limit of The Cancer Curse. That was the title of her book. Her mother, her grandmother, her teacher, the dad of one of her good buddies, all of us struggling with cancer. She’s […]

Something About Aimee

Presbyterian circles can be tight, and Presbyterian circles of clergy are often even tighter.  So the sudden death of Aimee Wallis Buchanan has rocked us all, clergy and lay person, to the core.  My own state of shock continues.  I had just spoken with her on the phone the week before she got sick.  The […]

Post-Debate Reflections

Truth be told, I puttered around during the debate.  I listened, and I watched a little.  I also washed dishes, swept the kitchen floor and looked for my glasses, which I have still be unable to locate.  (These are my new glasses.  My first pair lasted for 15 years.  I’ve had this pair for less […]


This little essay was prompted by some posts at my friend Elizabeth Gaucher’s blog Esse Diem What I remember most about my grandmother is that she didn’t remember.  She couldn’t remember how many brothers and sisters she had, or that her bra went under her clothes, or my name.  I was twelve when she died, […]